Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I had THE best day, Sunday, loaded with goose bumps, great conversations, and signs. All good signs but the one that stands out most, happened while I was people watching outside this afternoon.

I saw something floating around in front of me catching my eye - it's a feather. No birds around, none chirping, none in the trees (I looked to see), so I continued to watch the little feather. A cool breeze picks it up in mid-air and it slowly drifts back and forth across the drive, never getting close to the ground.

"Where have I seen a feather do that before?" I ask myself.
"Oh yeah, in that movie Forest Gump," I remind myself.
And then out of nowhere, I hear my thoughts disappear as they're replaced with one I haven't heard in over four years.

I hear, crystal clear, "I yuv wu, Jenny."

Tears of joy and delight smothered my eyes.

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