Saturday, October 2, 2010


I don't even know where to begin with this song. I suppose I can describe the very first sign of it. My to-do list on this one Saturday was to get Scooby to his bathshop (Amanda's). I set my alarm so that I would awake on time since I love to oversleep. The alarm goes off at 7:30am.

What it felt like was a jolt of electricity running through my entire body. I had felt this before and with this one, I figured I'd lay still until it passed. But it didn't go away. And then I started to focus on the music playing from my alarm clock. By now, most of the song had passed by, but I could hear the words so clearly.

"You and me together, through the days and nights. I don't worry cause, everything's gonna be alright. People keep talking, they can say what they like. But all I know is, everything's gonna be alright. No one, no one, can get in the way of what I'm feeling. No one, no one, can get in the way of what I feel for you."

"I know some people search the world, to find something like what we have. I know people will try, try to divide something so real. So till the end of time, I'm telling you one, no one, can get in the way of what I'm feeling. No one, no one, can get in the way of what I feel for you."

As soon as the song was over, this electricity feeling stopped. As soon as the song ended, so did this too. I knew right then that I was to pay attention to this song. So I ran to the computer and looked up the lyrics.

"Wow," is all I can say. This one song, for the lack of a better word, haunted me for weeks. I heard it everywhere and continued to hear it when I woke in the mornings. I HAD to pay attention to this one song.

What I get from "No One" is exactly that. No one in this world will ever take away the feelings we have for each other. No one can break us down, no one can tear us apart, and no one can get in the way of how we feel for each other.

But more importantly, everything was going to be alright. Powerful song - full of powerful words.


Puppy Scooby(Dec 07) and Granny Angel
I decide that I need to clean my kitchen on this one Sunday morning. I've ignored household chores for quite some time now. My energy has been low, my depression over Chip's death has taken over everything. But today, I try to snap out of it for a brief time. I load my dirty dishes into the dishwasher and then I stand still in front of the sink. I look out the window and daze out into the back yard.

Suddenly, I'm listening to a short lyric of a song. I hear, "Jeremiah was a bullfrog". Stunned, I immediately snap back into reality. I question myself and wonder where that came from. And then I hear, "Joy to the world, all the boys and girls. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me."

Again, for the second time on this same week-end, I race to the computer room to look up the lyrics. Three Dog Night; oh my god, that's one of Chip's favorite groups. And this song, we attempted a sing-a-long not so long ago.

Joy - that's what I get from this song. Joy to the world, joy to all the boys and girls, joy to fishes, and him and I.


That's "his boy".
I was sitting out on my back porch, drinking my morning coffee and watching the kids (dogs) in the back yard. After a bit, I need a refill. I stand up and when I do, out of nowhere I hear in my head, "8 days a week, I love you."

I'm hearing the actual song itself but I ignore it. I take one step forward, and I hear it again. The same words are flowing through my mind. But I keep walking inside and make me another cup. I then rejoin the kids outside and sit. And once I sit, the song plays again, very loudly but with different words, "Love you everyday girl, always on my mind. One thing I can say girl, love you all the time."

I fly off the porch and run inside to the computer room. I look up the lyrics to the song. All I can say is that I am in heaven. For a brief time today, I am in heaven living with Chip.

Because today, he tells me through a song - he loves me.