Chip used to sing this song to me. I had totally forgotten about it until one evening lying in bed, only a week after he had died, I heard the words to the song play in my head. And when I heard the words, it took me immediately to when I envisioned him sitting behind the wheel of his truck, singing to me over the phone.
I can still remember hearing this one. I was outside getting some fresh air at work. My mind was rolling, like always, about Chip and his recent visit in a dream. Out of nowhere, I heard, "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound." A moment I'll never forget.
Within the first few weeks after Chip passed, I was on a mad dash search to find someone to help me with the many dreams I was experiencing. I had no idea at the time that they were communications from the other-side. I merely thought I was so depressed that I was losing my mind. In time, I learned to listen. On this one particular cool day in FL, I emailed a Medium asking for help. She resided in Colorado. When I walked outside, I heard as plain as day John Denver's voice singing this song. I later learned that this was my own personal confirmation that yes, I found her. I love you Megan M. Riley! :)
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